Archive for April, 2009


Scan Update

We saw the oncologist last Tuesday and the results are: status quo. Or as the hubster likes to call it “suspended animation.”

What this means is that the mass of cancer nodules on his right lung has not gotten any larger (it hasn’t gotten any smaller either, hence being suspended). This is good news and I’ll take it when I can get it.

He’s been in a much better mood and frame of mind lately and I attribute that to the weather. We’re finally experiencing spring temps and that means he’s outside, on the deck dozing in the sun or putzing in the yard. He doesn’t have the stamina he used to so he needs to stop far more frequently than ever before, but the fact he can even be outside is what makes him happy.  And if he’s happy, I’m happy. If I’m happy, then all is right with the world.

p.s. Thank you to those who have left wonderful and supportive comments, it means so much to me to know that there are people who truly care enough to do just that. Really makes my day. 🙂


Wipe The Sweat Off My Brow

You know that post just before this one? About the HUGE bill? I received a call after about 2 weeks and they said, yes – that is an error, feel free to tear up the bill. Talk about relief. Yowza.

Well, the hubster has scans today and we’ll have results next Tuesday. He’s not feeling really well but he thinks it might just be the meds he’s on. I want him to ask the oncologist and since I know he’s stubborn and most likely won’t, I’ll be sure to bring it up on Tuesday. I’ll be back here with an update of results next week.

Off for a walk as it’s beautiful outside and since it might rain tomorrow, I’m going to take advantage of the weather as it is right now.

I Will Love Him Forever

The love of my life passed away peacefully on February 28, 2010. The fight he put up through this tough journey is truly commendable.

Though I am sad at his passing, I am so grateful for the time I had with him, our families and our friends. The memories of our times together will sustain me forever.

I think this quote, shared with me by a loving cousin, sums up how I feel.

"Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened." - Dr. Seuss

My Cancer Hat

I'm a person who hates wearing hats, both literally and figuratively. Now I will be wearing a caregivers cancer hat because my husband has cancer and I need to be strong for him. But I also need a place to vent, look for support and find strength.

Hopefully, this blog will enable me to deal with the process and meet others who are going through a similar challenge.

TB’s Cancer

TB, my husband (TB is his nickname), has kidney cancer, stage 4. He had a kidney and the tumor that was in it removed in 2005. We discovered in September 2008 that it had returned and has now metastasized to his bones, specifically his right femur plus spots on his skull, his spine and his ribs, the inside and outside of his lungs, his brain. He is not curable.

TB was originally participating in a clinical study that would provide him with a treatment that would halt, for an unknown length of time, the proteins from getting to the cancer cells. So in essence, slowing but not curing, the progression of the cancer. There is no question he will die from this, the unknown factor is the 'when' it will happen.

Unfortunately, TB had to be removed from the study as the metastases have grown. He was placed on a new regimen of Aerida and Sutent but that didn't work out. It made him too ill. Now he's on a daily regimen of Afinitor - "Plan C" as we call it. Basically, we're working to extend his life but in a manner that will allow him to still enjoy it and maintain his dignity.

1/27/2010 - At the suggestion of our oncologist, TB will no longer take any cancer medications as the benefits do not outweigh the possible negative side effects a new medication would have. He will be transferred soon to a facility where he can receive rehab, as he is extremely weak due to the pneumonia and inactivity. Our goal is to improve his quality of life as best we can.

2/21/2010 - Frank is now home, we've begun hospice care.

April 2009

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